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Brazil Nuts - Hive Blockchain Arabica Roasted Coffee

Sale price

Regular price £14.50
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Location/Origin Brazil
Altitude 1100m
Variety Yellow Bourbon
Preparation Natural
Harvest May-August
Owner / Farm Gilberto Basilio
SCA Cup score and notes 84.5 Orange and notes of Apple with a Sweet Hazelnut caramel and milk chocolate finish.  100% Arabica coffee Medium Roast.


The Zaroca Farm has been in the Gilberto Basilio's family for over 100 years since his grandfather Mario Brito had owned the farm.

It wasn't until After the death of Dona Maria that Gilberto became full involved again as previously he had been working as an engineer for most of his life. The Farm in 2015 when he returned as in a state of decline and with his brother Berto they began to turn the farm around. They started to replant areas of the farm with more resistant and productive varietals such as Mundo Novo and Catuai. They also planted 4ha of Paraiso and 8Ha of yellow bourbon. Now the farm has 16 trial varietals as well which they will experiment with and decide which are best to run into production on the farm for yield and cup quality.

The farm is a total of 154 ha planted with coffee and the annual production is around 6000 bags. On the farm 60% is collected by hand due to the topography of the land. They have worked hard on treating the plants with the right nutrients and care to help them flourish and produce the best cherry possible that is compatible with specialty production.

To focus on specialty Gilberto has also introduced static drying boxes to help with developing the flavour profile of his coffees. Once the coffee has been picked and then separated by density and size the coffees are then allowed to dry on the patio for 8 days as an initial skin drying.

The coffee is then transferred to the drying box. These are 1 m deep boxes with capacity for 15000 litre volume of cherry which equates to 25-30 bags of green coffee. The boxes have a vented grill at the bottom to allow for air to be circulated from below up through the drying coffee.

After this the coffee rested for 25 days before being milled and delivered to the Cooperative


All the bags we supply our roasted coffee in include a 1 Way valve for freshness, and Zip Lock so you can easily reseal them to keep the coffee fresh.

All our green coffee bags are fully plastic recyclable - all you have to do is put them in your usual plastic bottle recycling. 

Hive is a fully decentralised Blockchain, with the Hive cryptocurrency token you can buy and stake to allow greater influence on the blogging platforms https://hive.blog/ and https://peakd.com/ it also is backed by a wide range of dapps and games like they hugely popular https://splinterlands.com/

We run our own Witness node on the Hive Blockchain - interact with us at https://peakd.com/@whiterosecoffee

Product reviews

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews

Smooth taste


This coffee has a very smooth creamy taste the way l make it like a latte, very pleasant and grew on me and would certainly buy again.


So ill start with saying obviously taste is always subjective. With that said i found these coffee beans fantastic with lattes, cappuccinos and the odd expresso. My misses prefers milky drinks and she's hard to please coffee wise but definitely loved this one most of all. I'd give it a solid 8 out of 10 (I never give 10s but ive bought some more now) with chocolate notes and a more dark bean (so don't grind as fine for bean to cup machines). Enjoy..

sam chandler
very good for the price

Not super complex but a very tasty coffee with notes of chocolate, praline, and (shock) brazil nuts.

Rey S
Decent tasting coffee, but..

I ordered these beans based on a recommendation from a random post, but I should have done more research. The coffee beans taste okay when made into an Americano, but I find them too acidic and they don't pair well with milk.
I wouldn't recommend them for espresso or latte. Despite dialling in the grind size, the pour is always too fast, no matter how much I adjust or make the grind finer. The package says they were roasted a few days ago, but I can't achieve a thick, creamy pour. They might suit some tastes, but I won't be ordering this variety again, don't think I'll finish the remaining pack either. On the plus side, they were dispatched quickly and packed well, so kudos to the roasters.