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On Sale

Ethiopian Limu Gift Bag 250g

Sale price

Regular price £10.49
( / )
Includes VAT where applicable.

Location/Origin  Ethiopia
Altitude 2050-2150m
Variety Heirloom
Preparation Natural
Harvest October to February
Owner / Farm Alemayehu various smallholders
SCA Cup score and notes 87 Jasmine, Pineapple, Mango, Hibiscus, Incredibly floral and complex with a Juicy Kiwi like acidity.



This is a particularly good example of Ethiopian coffee, packed with floral and fruit flavours it scored us 1 Star at the 2021 Great Taste Awards.  


This particular lot represent the hard work and dedication from the people that live and grow coffee in the Alemayu Woreda (neighbourhood), they utilise 12 hectares of semi-forest land dedicated to coffee under the shade of native trees such as Acacia and Cardia Africa.

The community deliver their cherries to the central drying station in town. The lot is processed as a traditional dry natural, carefully inspected for any overripe or immature on the sorting table before being carefully laid on raised beds around two centimetres in thickness and turned every twenty minutes.
the cherries are covered during the hotter part of the day that is normally between 11AM until 3PM to prevent fast drying, and the drying time can vary from 14 to 18 days depending on humidity.

All the bags we supply our roasted coffee in include a 1 Way valve for freshness, and Zip Lock so you can easily reseal them to keep the coffee fresh.

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